5 Houseplants You (Probably) Can’t Kill

01of 05 African Spear Plant (Dracaena angolensis) The African spear, a succulent perennial native to Africa, is a member of the asparagus family (Asparagaceae). Succulents are often billed as easy to grow, so if they’ve died on you in the past, you may have...

When To Refinance a Mortgage

Here are a few reasons why refinancing can make sense. Lower your interest rate People often refinance to secure a lower mortgage rate, which can significantly reduce your monthly mortgage payment. This may be an option if your existing rate is higher than...

Home Office Layout Mistakes That Reduce Productivity

1. Your Desk Faces the Wall It’s a natural instinct to position furniture against the wall: it feels anchored and secure, and it can prevent you from knocking things off the desktop. But facing the wall doesn’t offer great inspiration. Staring at a blank wall can feel...

Outdoor Upgrades That Make Your Home More Valuable

Build an outdoor fire pit. During the summer months, nothing beats roasting marshmallows and sharing stories around a roaring fire. Homeowners who install an outdoor fire pit will not only create delightful memories, but will also realize a 67 percent return on...