What You Should Know About Solar Panels

1. Roof and house orientation. How much surface solar modules cover on a roof or how big the installation is on the ground makes a difference in the amount of energy produced. Generally, they are placed facing south or west to be exposed to the most sunlight,...

The Ultimate Guide To Refrigerator Maintenance

Keep the inside clean When: Generally speaking, spills should be cleaned up ASAP. Otherwise, wipe down shelves weekly. And do a hardcore purge and deep cleaning each season. Why: The longer spilled food sits, the more likely it is to create a stubborn stain....

Homebuyer Fatigue Has Hit The Housing Market

After contending with more than a year of record-high and fast-rising home prices, ruthless bidding wars, offers that are all cash and 10% to 20% over the asking price, and a historic shortage of properties for sale, many shoppers in today’s pandemic-fueled housing...

Buying Myths You Need to Stop Believing

Myth No. 1: The first step is looking for a house Perhaps you just want to get a feel for the area. You know, have something in mind before you sit down with a Realtor®. I mean, you’re not really looking yet, right? Stop right there. Even if you think you’re...