How to sidestep a tax bomb when selling your home

With soaring prices and record home equity, you may expect a profit from selling your property. But the windfall may trigger an unexpected tax bill next April.  While home profits dipped slightly, the typical single-family seller still scored a...

What It’ll Truly Take To Save Up for a House Today

Know your number Budgeting is easier when you know exactly what your goal is. Do you need $50,000? $60,000? Much more? Figure it out so you can get real about saving. “I would recommend that prospective homebuyers ‘back into’ the math,” says Jason J. Krueger, a...

Five Things Almost Everyone Forgets To Clean

Can Opener First up is that can opener in your kitchen drawer. According to studies, most can openers harbor bacteria like salmonella and e.Coli. Here’s how to clean a can opener the right way.  After every use, wash the can opener with hot water and...

How to Organize Your Kitchen on Nearly Any Budget

Declutter First I recommend decluttering items you no longer want or need before you reorganize or remodel your kitchen. Cluttered cabinets may be deterrents for putting things away properly, which can then contribute to your kitchen running inefficiently. While...

5 Organizing Tasks to Tackle as Summer Winds Down

Readjust to In-Person Learning If you have children who have been learning remotely and will resume full-time, in-person classes this fall, consider how to transition them smoothly and regain your space at home. You may have purchased a lot of supplies and equipment —...