Eco-Friendly Updates to Help Cool Your Home

1. Fix or Update Your Sash Windows If you have sash windows, you already have an early form of air conditioning at your fingertips. When the windows are opened at both the top and bottom, they provide quick and effective ventilation thanks to a convection flow of air....

Moving Into the Next Chapter of Your Life

There are a lot of great reasons to downsize after you retire. You can save money on mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance, and utility costs. You’ll also have the opportunity to cut back on things like lawn care and snow shoveling if you move to a townhome or...

Five “Go To” Cleaning Products

For when there’s no time to paint: Mr. Clean Magic Eraser They’re a quick and easy way to get scuff marks off of walls to make them look fresh. Painting is best, but often sellers don’t have the exact paint colors anymore. For when it’s time take the trash...