Overhauling Your Outdated Kitchen

Nearly half of homes in the U.S. are more than 40 years old and likely have kitchens reflecting styles of a past era. That’s helping to lead to an increase in kitchen remodels, and homeowners are shelling out more money for an upgrade. While the kitchen is often a...

There’s a dust denominator in every home that could be at the root of your problems, but there’s a way to prevent expensive fixes by keeping up with the cleaning. Dust is everywhere, but excessive amounts can cause not only appliance issues, but health issues, too....

Types of Doors To Upgrade Your Home

01of 20Hinged Door Common application: Interior, exterior, residential, commercial. A hinged door is any door that opens and closes via a hinge attached to a frame. Hinged doors are among the first types of doors ever made and remain the most common doors to this...

Surprising Events Home Insurance Doesn’t Cover

1. Does home insurance cover floods? If the “flood” you speak of is a puddle of water from a burst pipe, yes, insurance should cover it. But if the flood is due to excessive rain, a hurricane, or an overflowing river, most standard home insurance won’t cover it. (The...

How to Clean Your Wood Cabinets

There’s more to cleaning your kitchen than wiping down the counters. Caring for your cabinets is an often overlooked part of keeping a kitchen tidy and looking like new. From protecting the wood finish from stains to excessive wear, keep reading to learn how to...